
"...Oh (tinsel) Christmas Tree..."

We set up our first Christmas tree together this past week. Instead of taking our chances with the cats climbing, or knocking down a large tree, we decided (or rather, I convinced Andrew) that we should set up my great grandma's antique aluminum tree. As you can see, the cats weren't really entertained by it.
Since we try and make eco-conscious decisions in our house, we went out and bought some new "warm" LED lights to try out. I have never been particularly fond of LED lights but I thought I'd give the "warm" white a try. We learned a valuable lesson that night...LED lights, no matter how "warm" they claim to be, will turn your reflective aluminum tree into something that resembles an intensely radioactive cone of light. Needless to say, the lights are going to be on their way back to the store soon, I'll find other ways to conserve energy.
Some of the ornaments that made it onto the tree are ones that have been in my family for a long time. The santa above was made out of egg cartons and cotton balls by my great grandpa. Others are ones that my parents had been saving for me since my first Christmas. The newest addition to the collection is an enameled whale ornament that Andrew and I bought on our honeymoon.
I've really enjoyed spending time by the Christmas tree this year. It's really making this winter a little more cozy.

1 comment:

  1. We opted for using the little tree this year too, that way we could keep it higher and out of Theo's line of attack haha I do miss the smell of a real tree though, there's just something about it! I suppose that's what candles are for haha
